Non-Medical Prescribing Course Information

Course Types

Independent Prescribing
‘The prescriber takes responsibility for the clinical assessment of the patient, establishing a diagnosis and the clinical management required, as well as for prescribing where necessary and the appropriateness of any prescription.’

For nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, therapeutic radiographers and paramedics: 30 or 40 academic credits at Level 6 or 7.
Duration:  38 days

Supplementary Prescribing
‘A voluntary partnership between an Independent Prescriber (doctor or dentist) and a Supplementary Prescriber to implement an agreed patient specific Clinical Management Plan (CMP), with the patient’s agreement.’
The initial medical assessment and diagnosis is made by the Independent Prescriber (doctor or dentist) and subsequent management and prescribing for the patient is carried out by the Supplementary Prescriber following a jointly agreed clinical management plan with the patient’s agreement.

For diagnostic radiographers and dieticians: 30 or 40 academic credits at Level 6 or 7.
Duration:  38 days

Community Practitioner Nurse Prescribing
The Community Practitioner Nurse Prescribing qualification has two routes:

  • V100  – forms part of the Community Specialist Practitioner programme
  •  V150 – – is a stand-alone programme comprising 10 taught days plus 10 days learning in practice; over approximately 5 months. (Qualification will enable the nurse to prescribe from the Community Nurse Prescribers’ Formulary only).

Who can do Non-Medical Prescribing Qualifications?
At present, both Independent and Supplementary prescribing frameworks are open to suitably qualified and experienced nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, therapeutic radiographers and paramedics. Diagnostic radiographers and dieticians undertake  the same programme of preparation focusing on the development of a Supplementary Prescribing role.

All candidates have to be numerate. Assessment on the NMP course includes a numeracy component which candidates have to pass with a 100% pass mark. If prospective candidates have concerns about their numeracy, advice should be sought from their NMP Lead or the individual Universities.

Programme Delivery: Key facts
On successful completion of the programme you will be eligible to apply to your regulatory body to record your qualification as a prescriber, without which you cannot legally prescribe.
The programme is normally delivered over a period of 3-6 months.

Independent, supplementary and community practitioner nurse prescriber programmes are delivered as stand-alone programmes. Some HEIs allow the NMP programmes to be undertaken as an optional module within a larger award. The learning outcomes and assessment strategies of the programmes must meet the standards laid down by the Department of Health and relevant professional regulatory bodies for Non-Medical Prescribing.

Course entry criteria: Following submission of a fully completed application form, applications will be reviewed on an individual basis. Appropriate registration with the relevant professional regulatory body will be checked upon receipt of the application form.

Sufficient post registration experience to meet the requirements of your professional regulatory body.
Evidence of a satisfactory enhanced DBS within 3 years of the programme start date. Responsibility for application to the DBS rests with the programme applicant and is normally applied for by the employer.

Independent and/or supplementary prescribing applicants: nomination by the applicant of an appropriate prescriber to supervise and assess their developing prescribing practice and confirms their agreement to undertake this role. The Supervisor/Assessor must be sufficiently impartial to the outcome of the student and wherever possible should not be the same persons sponsoring the student to undertake the programme. Click here for useful NPC training information for mentors. Click here to register for access to a HEE funded course for DPPs.

Community Practitioner Nurse prescriber (V150) applicants: nomination by the applicant of a practice assessor who meets the NMC criteria for sign off mentor and has current status on the employers register. The sign-off mentor must confirm their agreement to undertake this role. They must be sufficiently impartial to the outcome of the student and wherever possible should not be the same person sponsoring the student to undertake the programme.

The applicant should normally be nominated by their employer who should also confirm their competence to undertake the programme and the clinical need within the applicants role to undertake the programme.

All applicants must demonstrate appropriate clinical governance arrangements are in place to support their prescribing practice once qualified.

To note: applicants should confirm the specific requirements of their professional regulatory body and the HEI to which they wish to apply.

Who can be my prescribing Supervisor/Assessor?

Each professional body has their own specific requirements.
There has been a recent update to standards in recognition of skills and experience of existing non medical prescribers. This is seen as “an opportunity to draw on the expertise of different prescribing professions in the development of future NMPs and improves access to prescribing opportunities to the wider workforce” – (RPS, 2019).
Universities are in the process of seeking regulatory body approval to adopt these standards.

Who you can nominate as your Supervisor/Assessor will vary from university to university.
You must check with the university you are applying to and complete their own application form.

Appropriately experienced NMPs can now undertake a free Designated Prescribing Practitioner course (funded on our platform by Health Education England). This will provide the necessary skills and competence to carry out this role effectively.

Course Assessment

The assessment  strategy will vary depending on the HEI and the programme but may include:

  • Written examination
  • Written assignment
  • Attaining competences in practice (assessed by your approved prescribing Supervisor/Assessor)
  • Portfolio of evidence
  • Objective Structured Clinical Examination and / or Viva (oral exam).

Application Forms

Click on one of the buttons below to download the appropriate Application Form.

Please refer to the guidance on page 2 to identify which Application Form you need to complete.
There is also advice on how to submit a complete application and avoid processing delays.