About Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offers a versatile platform designed to meet your e-learning needs.

Here’s how you can utilise our VLE:

  • Host Custom E-Learning Packages: Seamlessly host e-learning packages developed by your in-house training teams.
  • Digitise Existing Materials: Transfer your current paper-based materials onto our learning platform.
  • Utilise Pre-Developed Packages: Host off-the-shelf packages developed by external experts.

How Our Expertise in E-Learning Can Help You

Our e-learning expertise enables you to:

  • Identify Effective Training Solutions: Discover technology and online training activities tailored to achieve your business goals.
  • Cost-Effective Learning: Access affordable online learning solutions backed by the expertise of five North West universities.

Key Features of Our VLE

Our VLE offers numerous features designed to enhance your e-learning experience:

  • Custom Branding: Incorporate your company branding throughout the platform.
  • Course Assignment: Assign individuals to specific courses, ensuring they only see the courses they need to complete.
  • Flexible Access: Access the platform anytime, anywhere, on any device.
  • Progress Assessment: Take tests throughout the courses to check the level of understanding.
  • Self-Print Certificates: Easily print certificates upon course completion.
  • Automated Reporting: Monitor course completions with automatic reporting features.
Why Choose Our VLE?

By choosing the HealthVLE, you benefit from a robust, user-friendly platform that supports your organisation’s training needs. Join other universities, trusts, and healthcare organisations across the UK in leveraging our fantastic online learning environment.